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My Work>Teaching Experiences

My Teaching Experiences


I love teaching. Teaching simply gives me an invaluable pleasure which I can't possibly measure with anything else. Since 2013, I have been experimenting with some teaching methods to provide a better learning experience for my students. Thus, I have adapted Design Thinking Philosophy for my classes. 
I am sharing with you some of my teaching experiences in UiTM.
Experience teaching International Students at UiTM

I was given an opportunity to teach a group of Kazakhtan students who came to UiTM as our Exchange students. They joined our BIT programme.


They came here in September 2014 and went back to Kazakhtan in January 2015.


It was a memorable experience teaching them as they were actually different from our own students. They easily expressed their ideas verbally and in writing; and were more creative in solving problems.


Their presence certainly affected our own students - I saw competitions which resulted in better student performance.

Creativity Needs Experience and Trust!

I have taught Critical and Creative Thinking to IT students for almost three years now, and I have some good ideas how to best teach them.


From my experience, to encourage creativity among the students, we should:


  • expose students with new or different things

  • let them experience new things

  • get them do problem solving frequently

  • learn to trust them!

Bring students out OFTEN!

Bring our students out...learning should not be limited to is boundary-less


Bring them out more often, actually...And studies show that walking encourages creativity.


I brought them to Singapore, and I made them walk around Bukit Cerakah!



Have Fun with Your Students

We often forget to have fun with our students. Bring them out of our classrooms, if possible outside UiTM and Malaysia. Whilst at it, enjoy and have fun with them!


You will be suprised to find out that there is much to learn from them!



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